Recently, I have been researching how to use Etsy to its full potential, but then this got me thinking. You can be the greatest artist/craftisan of all time, but if your stuff is listed on page 20 of a selling platform, you are never going to be seen. It made me realise that although the internet has been absolutely fabulous for seeing really beautiful crafts and artwork, today's craft folk have to be pretty computer savvy too! I am very lucky, as I went back to college as a mature student to Masters level and got taught all the computer stuff I missed out on at school, because when I was at school, there were no computers! If I did not have my computer knowledge, I don't think I would have been able to make from home and sell online.
There are so many places to sell your work, but at the same time there are SO many people making, therefore the key is to get noticed and be seen. I chose to have a Facebook page which I use to introduce new products, announcements, competitions and promotions, and an Etsy shop, (like Ebay but for craft folk!), to sell all of my work. I like Etsy because it is very cheap and is starting to be more widely known. The fact it is so easy to be seen worldwide is great. I also run a Twitter account, but because Etsy and Facebook take up a lot of time, I simply duplicate everything onto my Twitter page. I also post every photograph under my shop name on Pinterest, the greatest resource for ideas. I have experimented with the internet, and obvious as it might sound, the longer you spend on the computer, the more you become visible. After 3 days of doing 3-4 hours promoting, amending listings, adding photos, commenting a Facebook posts, I was the first 3 pages on Google when I searched for me, Cat's Punky Stuff. When I spent no time on the internet, I nearly disappeared.
A lot of people on Facebook craft pages seem to think like for like of pages helps to promote their pages, this is not the case. I find this a waste of time, as I have discussed in another blog, as I only really want my page liked by people who do actually like my stuff. Having a lot of likes but no sales won't help at all, unless all the likes buy too!! I have found that commenting on posts, posting photos at every opportunity and having as many conversations with as many people as possible, seems to bring in the sales. The 3 days I was working hard on the internet, I had sales every day, two on one day! It's true what they say, you only get out what you put in! This is why I only have 3 platforms (4 if you include Pinterest, which takes up no time at all), and have not ventured into Instagram, Folksie (similar to Etsy) etc.
The greatest advice I was given recently, was to make a video. After trying the Facebook option, I also found my laptop had an even better video maker. So, my next plan is to start making regular videos showing my work and how stuff is made, but I'll be keeping my little secrets to myself!