This visual blog is to assist with choosing the right lavender filled moon gazing hare, all the choices in one place!
I started making hares because I had a lot of spare lavender each season. I didn't want to harvest less, just in case one of my lines became busy, so I decided to make something to use up the spare each season.
Below are photos of the lavender before and after harvesting! It's a hectic time harvesting at the right time. In a perfect
world it is ready when the bees are nearly finished with it, but it is a small window of just a few days before it goes over. If it is a wet summer it can be a complete nightmare. Once it goes over it becomes seedy and not as pungent and as I use only premium, handpicked lavender it is a very tense time. I never touch the flowers with my hands so they remain unbruised and 100% organic, completely untouched by human hand resulting in the highest quality.
The main moon hare listing consists of two sizes and 8 colours. The photo on the left shows the original 8 colours, but the pink and orange are not being made anymore, so I had to find replacements, as seen in the photo on the right
Small: 13. 5 cm x 8 cm (approx.), at least 15g of lavender
Large: 19 cm tall x 10 cm (approx.) at least 42g of lavender
Solstice hare has a little knitted scarf in moon colours with paper holly leaves and a little rustic jingle bell.
Small: 13. 5 cm x 8 cm (approx.), at least 15g of lavender
Huggy Hare has a massive 300g of lavender in his body, which is football sized! The main purpose for this hare is that he can be sat on the sofa or an armchair but if you need a comforting hug, he's sat there waiting and giving him a squeeze will realise an amazing lavender smell. A lady has already bought one and she said the smell fills her whole house!

Huggy Hare was a gift to myself and he lives up to his name ! With the living room central in the bungalow, you can smell the lavender in every room. I have slept better than I ever had ever since he came to stay with me.