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Gardeners Crafting Diary September 2024

Writer's picture: Cat's Punky StuffCat's Punky Stuff
It's hard to believe the summer months are nearly over, and there is that normally welcomed, slight damp nip to the air, though this year autumn feels like it's still March. It has been an unusual year in general so far, with Etsy being quiet, allowing me the extra time to write the Little Plant book. I have had time to get together all the glass jars I have collected a few years ago, in preparation to turning them into lanterns for the Christmas fayres. The garden is not sure what to do either, I have May wallflowers flowering, even the broom had a new flower, and one of my primroses hasn't stopped flowering yet since February. It concerns me, I am already looking forward to next summer in the hope of hot, sunny months, but wishing time away like this is not something I think is healthy. Fortunately I have a lot of fabulous projects on the go, and so winter will hopefully pass unnoticed!

Tuesday 3rd September

Watermelon and lime juice
Jars in a pickle!

A few years ago, before I started my Etsy shop, I made lanterns out of old glass jars, which sold really well at local craft fairs. Although I really don't like doing craft fairs, I will be doing one or two this winter, taking just these lanterns. They are not something that will successfully survive posting as they are quite large, but I may do some smaller ones that could be posted.

These are large pickle jars, the kind you find on the counter at the fish and chip shop, holding pickled onions and eggs. They are a great size to decorate, and safe to have a candle inside, or battery operated/solar fairy lights.


Friday 6th September

Log burner
Brothers from another mother!

I am always searching in the garden for anything different or unique, whether because of the colour combinations or the textures and composition. I found these two nested together on a raised log-pile bed, in a dark corner. The reason this photo is so special is that the French Marigold had self-seeded and was alone all summer until a few days ago. This mushroom had grown snuggled up to the marigold, whose orange flower really stood out in the monotone background. It is one of my favourite photos of the year.


Saturday 7th September

Black tulips and apricot wallflowers
Roasting Chicken

I took this photo of Samantha Carter, our old ex battery hen, as she sunned herself whilst sitting on my foot. I loved the colour of her feathers and how they gradually changed colour, and with the bright sun she was a coppery glow in complete contrast to the grey and buff stones she was sat on. I have used these colours for my draft excluders before, and they always sell well.



Monday 9th September

Orange and cerise wallflowers
Homemade fabric jar lids

Along with all the jars I had collected, I also went through a spell of buying pretty fabric quarters, and I recently found them all during my big tidy-ups. I worked out a way to make ridged fabric lids, using a disc of card covered in a fabric sample with the whole of the underneath surface coated in PVA, to stop the fabric edge from fraying. I then wrapped 3 bands of jute twine around the neck, finished with a bow. The whole thing was PVA'd several more times, causing the fabric and twine to set firm, except for the frilly, soft edge. I am really pleased with these lids, they are sooo pretty and are fit for purpose. I will be putting them on the lanterns.


Thursday 12th September

Happy Hen
Perfect poppy

These little Californian poppies, 'Apple Blossom' are fabulous, with such vibrance when the sun shines on them. I don't like this salmon pink as a rule, but when it is blended into cream, apricot, and warm yellow and maroon shadows, it's actually spectacular!


Wednesday 18th September

Pretty flowery stickers
Book Accessories

EDIT: Books should be available on my website and Etsy by 12th October (I will do an email as soon as it is out!)

I have been experimenting with the accessories I will be adding to my Little Plant book. The book comes with a ribbon bookmark, and I have little brass leaves that I will add to the bottom, so I'm trialling different ways to attach the leaf without it looking a mess. A very simple, single knot with PVA glue poked into it should work. It'll set firm, and the ribbon end won't fray. I also have purchased little brass book corners, not just for aesthetics but to ensure the books longevity. I have already designed a leafy paper band that will surround the book, so all there is left to do now is hand-print the paper that the book will be presented in.

Very exciting!


Friday 20th September

Curiosity shelf from a hazel tree
Cucumber number!?!

The answer to life on Earth, the Fibonacci curve! This is a cucumber plant, and just look at how perfect this curl is! There is nothing more to say, but to look and admire!



Saturday 21st September

Pink painted bicycle against yellow shutters

Crafty Friends!

This month the creative juices have really started to flow, with jar ideas, jar lids to make, and deciding the finishing touches to 'Little Plant'. I have also decided to do a little talk about making Christmas lanterns, at the local village hall in December, so I have been planning that too.

I made some bicycle tassels for my friend Zoe's ornamental bikes. When she bought her farmhouse, there were a few old bikes in the barn, so she has painted them both up to decorate the garden. I spent a whole morning trying different tassel ideas, some with pom poms. I got quite cross with them as they just didn't look right. I started again and this time I went for something simpler, and I am so glad I did. The flat colours of the bikes against a white background enhance both the features of the bikes and the wall/fence, and so a fussy, flamboyant tassel would have ruined the look. These simple, nine colour pastel tassels are fit for purpose and finish off very cute garden curios.

I have permission to use Zoe's photographs


Wednesday 25th September

Trimming a pom pom
Roosting Robin

This is another photo from Zoe. Her home is full of my little wares and lots of her own crafted goodies, so I asked her to send me some pics of my Stuff, I mean ideas, (Zoe dislikes me calling my creations 'Stuff', so I do try to avoid using the word when possible!), in situ, to show the items off organically rather than just my studio photos.

I talk about and mention Zoe a lot, as she is an important part of my design processes and ideas. There is no point having a friend with a crafters eye who just agrees with all your ideas, you need someone brave and honest, who will say if something is not such a good idea. I'm both blessed and honoured to have a friend like Zoe!

I have permission to use Zoe's photographs


Saturday 28th September

Traditional barn dried lavender
Lavender barn

The lavender harvest has dried, and it is crucial it is bought in from the drying barn before the damp weather arrives. Left out too long, and it will go mouldy, but with being so busy it will have to wait another week.

Sunday 29th September

Blue and grey pom poms
Holy Crap!!

Whoa, Christmas is here! All of a sudden, it has gone incredibly busy. Busier than Santa on Christmas Eve type busy! I have had a huge Lapland UK pom pom order come in that will take 5 days, each of 14 hours, to make them. I have been making pom poms for their costumes for years now, and it is always fabulous to make for them, as I am very aware I am part of a very big, high quality, top-end production. Once I have made some I store them in an organza bag, in a storage box full of lavender and dried rose petals, so they have a soft, pleasant scent to them.

I also had some regular folks from New York contact me, asking if I still sold to the USA. All of the Etsy shops have had a problem with the new, pre-set Etsy 'delivery' times, as they have removed the option for a shop to set its own delivery times. The pre-set allows only 3-11 days for the UK to USA, which in November and December is not long enough. Until I can work out how I can bypass this, I cannot sell to the USA. If someone contacts me, I can tell them that delivery may be up to 21 days, preventing messages of 'Where is my stuff?'. I have a fabulous relationship with the two American ladies, we share photos and discuss our year since the previous Christmas order.

(Talk about busy! A lady just bought 30 cards, and another just bought 8 little robins. It starts to get a little scary when all the orders are huge, as it means I will have to make and top up the shelves, as it were. When thigs go out a little at a time, you don't notice it, but big orders always make me realise just how busy I could get! Fortunately I can work 24/7 and have never not been able to cope!)

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A Gardeners Crafting Diary September 2024


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Oct 01, 2024

I look forward to your diaries, they always bring a smile to my face and sets me up for the day. I like that your vision of the world around you is so well represented in your beautiful products. So looking forward to the release of your book.


Michelle Davies
Michelle Davies
Oct 01, 2024

I love reading your diaries as they are so well written they transport me into the stories you write. I’m lucky to gave you as a personal friend and you have a wonderful gift to create, tell/ write stories, make a beautiful home and a stunning garden. Thank you for sharing your musings. Lots of love Michelle xx


Oct 01, 2024

Dearest Catherine. You light up my day reading all the wonderful creative projects you are involved in. You are a gift and give so much. Your clients are so lucky to have you and all that you offer in such a personal sensitive way. ❤️ Christine.


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