Based in the rural Lincolnshire Fens, I live with my husbunny and two house rabbits... we're all about the bunnies here! I spend my spare time, little as it is, studying the Renaissance, researching pre-history, reading about western political history (printed before 1974) and studying colour in my garden.
Colour inspiration comes from my organic cottage garden, where I grow fruit and veg. Whilst I tend to all the needs of my plants, they generally are allowed to go where they please. I especially have a passion for cultivating daisies in my lawn, they are great for the bees! With all the animals and birds that visit, seasonal colour palettes and the array of colours supplied by the flatter-than-flat surrounding area, I am spoilt for choice. My love for colour stems from trips to Venice, where I studied the colours of Venetian architecture and light for my Masters Degree in Venetian glass. The initial start to any creation begins with colour.
Cat's Punky Stuff came about when I realised most contemporary crafts are very similar, which I'm sure, is due to the fact craft supplies are so easy to buy on the high street or online. I set out to make things that I knew no one else could possibly make, by using my own drawings, advanced colour theory, extensive raw materials research, not cutting costs with the quality of materials and hours of product development. I extensively read about the Arts and Crafts Movement and decided to follow their ideals, beliefs and principles. Before the internet, people actually made their crafts from scratch with maybe some raw materials from local suppliers, ensuring new crafts were unique and different. All of my crafted pieces are one-offs, no two can possibly be the same.
We are happy and content at home creating, gardening, preserving produce and keeping an eye on our very cheeky house rabbits, our honey bees and six ex battery hens. We got rid of the television ten years ago so instead you'll find anything from Bach to Black Sabbath blasting out...the luxury of no neighbours! If we're not at home or in the veg patch, you'll find us at in a mosh pit at a festival somewhere!
Thank you for stopping by. Feel free to contact me, even if it's just to say hello!
Most of my wool comes from a tiny little shop just up the road. They have the very best selection of coloured and textured wool, at exceptional prices. If it was not for them, I would struggle to create my complex pom poms! I choose my wool for its colour and not it's thickness which allows the creation of fabulously coloured treasures!
I hand pick all of the lavender harvested from local gardens. It is ready at a very precise time, just as the bees have finished with it, before the colour fades and before the flowers fall off. I harvest at 5am before the sun is up and it is hanging in the barn within 4 hours ensuring a very high quality lavender.
When I realised I could get all of the highest quality lavender I needed for free by hand picking it myself, I calculated how much I was saving by not buying it and decided to give a bit back. A donation from the sales of Cat's Punky Stuff is annually made in December and goes to help local rabbit rescues